Coaching for Calm
Reiki Healing Energy
Tapas Acupressure Technique
Heart Whispers
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Welcome to The Remembering Place, LLC. If this is your first visit, thank you for finding me!  

My name is Lois Weber. For me, the true remembering place will always be the heart that has become calm and is experiencing its own wisdom and compassion. I like healing systems and self care tools that return us to wholeness and a sense that all will be well, within our body, mind, and soul.  

I am delighted to work with clients who want more calm in their lives and who seek a deeper healing. I coach for calm and introduce gentle healing modalities such as Reiki Healing Energy, to help relax the body and mind.  When stress is reduced and we keep that connection of wholeness, peace and well being have a soft place to land.    

A personal set of self care tools can fuel the intention to live a life of balance. I know the difference it made in my life to willingly face the toll stress was taking. When I could manage my own stress level, life was more enjoyable and I could see more possibilities for myself. 

You deserve a peaceful heart and calm mind. We are living at an amazing time with complementary and integrative medicine taking its rightful place along with Western medicine! Please take a look at the offerings and be in touch if I can be of any healing assistance. 

Wishing you deep healing, 



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